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Cultivating Arachnis and Aranthera Families

The cultivars can be grown both as open cultivation or as intercrop under the coconut or can be grown under 30 % shade net house or under the style as shown in the pictures below. We use a mixture of coconut husk and wood shavings as the growing media . The plants are grown from the ground as the plants can reach a height of 2-3 meters in full bloom production. Organic additive blends are used in the potting mixture to avoid root rot and other problems. A mixture of neem cake and karanja cake blends are useful.

Plants that can be chosen for this regime which can be in partial sun or total sun or as intercrop systems- include Arachnis all cultivars, Arantheras, Renentheras, Renenthopsis, Arandas and Mokaras.

Most of these families are large specimens growing to heights of 10 ft and above and they need support all the way to the top. Flowers occur almost at every leaf node axils in opposite and flowers usually are above 3 ft in length.

Most of them like full exposure to sun to get prolific flowering and can withstand severe stress conditions. A good bath of organics once in a week helps them maintain their vigour.

Aranthera Beds using wood mulch

Aranthera James Storei Beds using wood mulch

Aranthera Red Beds using wood mulch

Aranthera Yellow Beds using wood mulch

Aranthera cultivation systems

Typical cultivating style in open.

A plot using Aranthera Red.

Arandas and arantheras in beds

Bertha Braga Plant habit

Cutflowers after harvesting

Aranthera Mohd Haneef Stems

Typical Arachnis cultivation

Aranthera Annieblack in cultivation

Arachnis Maggie cultivation in our farms.



Watering: During rainy season the plant is in active growth and no watering is required. Only in summer and sunny days a continous misting or drenching the leaves and roots are essential to keep the plant cool and moist. The plant can withstand a lot of stress and such stressing also induces the flowering .

Fertigation: The plant needs good nitrogenous fertiliser feding during active growth and a fod rich in Potash and phosphorous during the flowering stages. Continuous broad cast of organic cakes rich in these are helpful. A weekly spray of organic fungicides and also of neem helps to check fungal pathogens away. Usually we use a special formulation of Seaweed extract with Neem and other botanical extracts to keep the plants healthy.




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